Freeroll News 26th October 2008:
been trying to get a decent freeroll fixed up for members of Love Texas
Holdem, but these last few months have been a bit difficult with
everyone feeling the pinch.
LuckyAcePoker have come through for us with a fantastic $250
freeroll which will go ahead on 23rd November. Now if you want to take
part (and why wouldn't you?) you NEED to sign up to Lucky Ace Poker by
clicking the banner below. It's the ONLY way that you can get access to
the tournament.
LuckyAcePoker is a great new emerging poker site
and I'll have an information page up on the site next week to tell you
all about it. In the meantime though, you need to download the poker
software, sign up for an accout (it's fast and easy) and get ready for
the freeroll.
I know you love your freerolls and this is probably
the best chance you will get to win a good pot. To play in a $250
freeroll anywhere else would mean fierce competition against probably
500+ players, you have a much better chance with the Love Texas Holdem
Freeroll News 19th October 2008:
news for freeroll lovers - Tower Poker are extending their summer 24
poker freeroll binges. All day every day you can play in their
absolutely no strings games and build yourself a nice bankroll.
Admittedly the prize money won't see Phil Helmuth beating a path to play
there any time soon but that's one less for you to worry about.
At Poker770 you
can take part in ECOOP, a highly prestigious poker tournament with a
guaranteed jackpot of $4,150,000! You also get to call yourself European
Champion if you win!
Not only that, but for just $0.50 you can
qualify to go to Belgium and win an amazing 2,000,000 euros! (Check it
yourself but that's a LOT of dollars).
And there's more.. Doyles Room are
running $10K Guaranteed tournaments every Tuesday and Thursday nights
that you can get into for just 99cents. These fantastic tourneys start
on October 21st at 10pm EST, find them from the lobby at: Scheduled
Tournaments > Special.
Poker Heaven has a great deal going where 5 lucky players get to play in the next 250K guaranteed tournament for free. The winner will pocket the top prize of over 50K.
POKER4EVER - where poker lives on!

you've gone the extra mile and made a real money deposit at Poker4Ever,
there's a great $5,000 PP freeroll at the end of the month to reward
you for taking action. If you are still considering making a real money
deposit (maybe for the first time ever?) you could do a lot worse than
put your money with P4E as you'll get the chance to play in their $500
New Depositors Freeroll on the 30th October. You can make a deposit any
time up to this date.
Freeroll News 12th October 2008:
freerolls are worth a look and there is a special poker freeroll
tournament coming up next Sunday, October 19th 2008 with a $1000 prize
fund paid in free bets on the site
It's called the Champions League Free Bet Freeroll and the starting time is 16:00 BST, that's 9pm EST.
Prizes are:
Places 1-5 $50 Places 6-11 $25 Places 12-19 $12.50
Betfred also do casinos
I don't normally promote casinos but I know that there's nothing you
dear reader likes better than something for nothing. So I'm going to
give you just exactly that. If you click the Betfred banner below and
register you will get £5 absolutely free paid into your account (that's
about $10).
no catch, Betfred just want you to sign up and play at their casino and
they are willing to give you an incentive to do it. If you like what
you see they have a 100% $600 Sign Up bonus operating which is among the
best in the industry.
Betfred also do Sports Betting
is one of the leading online Sports Betting sites. They offer £100 in
Free Bets as well as various event promotions. If you are interested in
sports betting at all it is your absolute DUTY to compare prices and see
where you can get the best value. So add Betfred to your list of places
to check - you may be pleasantly surprised.
you've been out of the country on a desert island for the last few
weeks you might not have noticed the Million Dollar Men freeroll series
that's going on over at Poker Stars. There's still time for you to
scrape in before the cutoff on October 17 so get yourself over and stake
your claim for a share of an amazing $360,000 worth of cash prizes.
Poker Freeroll Update Archives
archived newsletters are still there for every single
month all the way back to September 2005. They contain loads
of great freeroll information. Check the listings below to
find particular poker sites you are interested in - or
simply just browse through them.
You can still access all the previous back issue information using the links below:
September 2008: Love-Texas-Holdem Private Freeroll, Carbon Poker, When a freeroll isn't a freeroll
August 2008: Hollywood Poker, Poker Host
July 2008: Low Buy-In Tournaments, Everest Poker, Doyle's Room, Absolute Poker
June 2008: Tower Poker, Full Tilt Poker, Poker Host, Poker770
May 2008: Poker Stars, No Pay Poker, Poker Host, Lucky Ace
Poker, Tower Poker, 32 Red Poker, Poker Nordica
April 2008:
32Red Poker, WSOP 2008:- Hollywood Poker Poker Room
Poker4Ever, Unibet, Carbon Poker, Poker Time, Winning at Poker Stars
March 2008: 32Red Poker, WSOP 2008:- Hollywood Poker Poker Room Poker4Ever, Unibet, Carbon Poker, Poker Time, Winning at Poker Stars
February 2008: Poker4ever, Poker Host, Omaha Hi freeroll at Poker Stars, Simple Freeroll System Part 1, VC Poker, Carbon Poker
January 2008:
Pitbull Poker, Mansion Poker, Hollywood Poker, Poker4ever,
Love-Texas-Holdem private members-only freeroll, Cake Poker,
Poker Host, Poker Stars
December 2007:
Carbon Poker, Betfred, Battlefield Poker, Poker Room, Wingows
Poker, Poker Host, VC Poker, Intertops, Love-Texas-Holdem
private freeroll, No Pay Poker, Absolute Poker
November 2007:
Poker4ever, Poker Heaven, Ladbrokes new player freeroll, Roxy
Poker,, member's success story, Pitbull Poker
October 2007:
Carbon Poker, The Poker Players Alliance, 5000 Euro freeroll,
Poker Host, Poker Stars, Poker Nordica, Poker
September 2007:
Newsletter Survey, Ladbrokes Poker, Fair Poker, Poker Heaven,
Tower Gaming, Poker Host, Bugsy's Club Poker, VC Poker
August 2007: Full Tilt Poker, Tropical Poker, Carbon Poker, CanBet Poker, Bet365, Free Chip Trick guide
July 2007:
Poker Share, List of the best poker sites featured, Bodog
Poker, Vegas Poker 247, Absolute Poker, VC Poker, Carbon Poker,
Full Tilt Poker
June 2007: Bugsy's Club, Absolute Poker, Bet US, VC Poker, Wingows, Poker Loco
May 2007: Intertops Poker, Players Only Poker, CD Poker, The3DPoker, Carbon Poker
April 2007: Tony G Poker, Poker Stars,, Poker Time, Canbet, Sun Poker
March 2007: Private Freeroll, Superior Poker, Pitbull Poker, GNUF Poker, 32Red Poker
February 2007: Action Poker, The Poker Club, UltimateBet, No Pay Poker
January 2007:
UltimateBet, US Poker Players Hit Again!, Huge Bonuses from
real-money games, Vegas Poker 247, Roxy Poker, Mansion Poker
December 2006: $5000 New Year's Freeroll, VIP Poker, Tower Poker, Sites where USA players can play poker, Poker Heaven
November 2006:
Love-Texas-Holdem Private Freeroll,, US Online Poker
Legislation, US Online Poker Legislation Part 2, Live Poker
October 2006: Hollywood Poker, Bet Direct Poker, Full Tilt Poker, The Gaming Club , Poker Vida Loca
September 2006: Tropical Poker, Cake Poker, Poker Hour, Wingows Poker, Bugsy's Club, PokerSchool Online
August 2006: Victor Chandler Poker, Ultimate Bet, Royal Vegas Poker, PokerChamps
July 2006: 32Red Poker, CD Poker, Bet Fred Poker, Games Grid Poker, Bad Poker Sites
June 2006: Absolute Poker, Poker Ocean, College Poker, Royal Vegas Poker, Titan Poker
May 2006: 24hPoker, Hollywood Poker, Poker Heaven, 32Red Poker
April 2006: Absolute Poker, Mermaid Poker, Poker 333 and Canbet
March 2006: Ladbrokes, Noble Poker, Spin Palace Poker,
February 2006: Planet Poker, Holdem Poker, Poker Heaven, Poker Champs
January 2006: Alamo Poker, Royal Vegas Poker, Purple Lounge, Noble Poker, 32Red Poker, Inter Poker, JetsetPoker
December 2005: Hollywood Poker, 32Red Poker, Canbet, Kiwi Poker, Multi Poker, Poker Room Lucky Dollar
November 2005: Caribbean Sun Poker / Sun Poker, BetFred, 7 Sultans Poker, Bet365
October 2005: Virgin Games, Inter Poker, 247Poker, 32Red Poker
September 2005: Fair Poker, Hollywood Poker,, Everest Poker
freeroll timetable has now been moved to a separate page to
make it quicker to load. I've also split it up into time zones.
You can get to it by clicking the link below.
Click here to go to the freeroll timetable