Win Sit-n-Gos
Do you want to win Sit-n-Gos? Would you be interested in learning of a way where you can dominate Sit and Go poker tournaments and make some real money from them? Do you want to make enough money to be able to pack in your boring day job playing online poker, if so read on! For those of you that might not be familiar with the term, Sit and Gos are single table tournaments that start as soon as the table is filled up. They are usually for 8, 9 or 10 players with the top three getting prizes in the proportions 50%, 30% and 20% of the total stake money. So if it's a $5 Sit and Go with 10 players, the total prize fund is $50 and the prizes are $25, $15 and $10. This can vary from site to site but is pretty much standard for most places. So what! You might be thinking that to yourself but the reason I'm telling you about Sit and Gos is that I've learned about a guy who has got them completely worked out. He knows exactly what to do to win Sit-n-Gos and takes down HUGE payouts time after time. Now I'm probably as skeptical as you are when it comes to people making claims about what they have done online, especially in poker. But this guy is the real deal, he even gives his actual player name he uses at Poker Stars, Full Tilt Poker and others. Now he's spilling the beans and is willing to show you how he has made over $62,000 from one account at just one of his poker sites. If you are serious about making money from poker you should take a look at this. If you have any winnings lying in a poker account somewhere, why not cash them in and use the profits to take your game into regular consistent profit and win Sit-n-gos - whenever you want to.
Click here for details of How to Win Sit-n-Gos
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