Poker Room Lucky Dollar
Poker Room Lucky Dollar tournament is a great new addition to the online poker world! Poker Room recently introduced a new tournament with a $1 buy in called their "Lucky Dollar" tournament in the time slots that used to be occupied by their freerolls. Now I'm a big fan of online poker freerolls and at first I thought that Poker Room had a bit of a cheek in replacing their fantastic 9:00am and 4:00pm freeroll tournments with ones where you had to buy in. Even although it was only a dollar to enter, it is the principle of having to pay instead of getting something for free that rankles a bit! I speak for a lot of the former online freeroll players at those times as well, instead of a mad clamor to get into the freeroll and the tournament places being filled within five minutes the 2400 places available for the Poker Room Lucky Dollar are not usually filled. But this isn't quite the disaster it seems, in fact it great news! If your budget can stretch to $1 then the Lucky Dollar is much better than the freerolls for three reasons: 1. Poker Room still add to the prize money in the same way that they do for freerolls, normally either $500 or $1000 is added for every tournament. Saturday has a bumper $2500 added to the afternoon (Eastern Time) Lucky Dollar. 2. Because the $1 entry fees are added to the prize pool, prizes in the Poker Room Lucky Dollar are much better than in the freerolls. The top prizes are bigger and there are a lot more minor prizes as well with typically over a hundred places paid out. You won't get much for finishing 130th, say $4, but it will pay your entry fee for the next couple of tournaments at least. 3. You will get paid out by Poker Room because it's not a freeroll. Normally you would have to play a number of raked hands before Poker Room would pay out on freeroll prizes but with the Poker Room Lucky Dollar these conditions don't apply.
As if all this wasn't good enough, Poker Room have also been really generous by keeping the freerolls as well, they've just moved to different times. ====================================================Article by Ian McIntosh of Check out the site for all the latest information on Texas Holdem tournaments and freerolls.Please feel free to use this TV poker article on your website, newsletter or blog as long as this resource box is left intact and there is a live link to this site.====================================================
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