Online Poker
Online poker has become one of the biggest phenomenona to hit the internet in the 21st century. The availabiltiy of online poker sites 24 hours a day has led to the explosion of poker online in a way that "real life" casino poker could never hope to match. Almost everyone has access to online poker rooms whether it is at home on their computer, at work or even through internet cafes, online poker players are everywhere. It is so easy to get into poker that there are millions and millions of players in almost every country in the world. So why would you want to play online poker rather than play at a casino? Well there are several advantages:- - You can play any time you want to, it's available day and night in all countries with the internet - There's no travel required so you won't have to get a bus or drive to the game - You can play even if your friends don't want to and you don't live near a casino - You can play for very small stakes or even for free - You can eat and drink and wear what you want, it's your house! There are also a few disadvantages to playing online poker which should be mentioned too:- - The biggest problem is usually the possibility of disconnection from the game for whatever reason. The game carries on without you but you lose your blinds without having a chance to play to defend them. It's often not a big issue if it is early in the game but in the later stages it can hurt your poker stack. - You can't read the other poker players when it is poker on the internet - It is easier to get hooked in to playing too much poker and not knowing when to quit and cut your losses Here's a LIVE update of what's happening at one of the best online poker sites available. Just click on the top of the tournament box to go straight to the site and play poker.
The most popular games are free online poker tournaments, with the game being played usually Texas Holdem. These games can consist of thousands of players all competing for what is nowadays a relatively small prize. Freerolls are a good way to play poker online when you first get started and offer you a chance to learn the game and hone your skills while not risking losing your shirt. The best online poker sites offer a good variety of online poker freerolls but although these are great for beginners, once you start learning the ropes you will want to start giving real money poker a try instead. The rewards are far greater, the time required to play the poker tournaments far less ans it's a far better experience overall than the freerolls. So that's the quick-start plan for most novice online poker players:- - Get started at one of the good online poker rooms - Play on the free poker tables (you use play money) - Now progress to play a few poker freerolls (or a lot, the more practise you get the better) - As you find your skill level increasing, progress to the real money tables (you can always keep playing the freerolls too while you are in the real money games, it doesn't need to be one or the other). - Enjoy your online poker! Play online poker at one of the best online poker sites, free poker available
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