Freerolls | Poker for free
Freerolls are considered to be the best of both worlds in online poker, they combine the chance of winning a cash prize, the fun and excitement of a real live poker tournament and – best of all – they are free to enter. Generally freerolls are based on Texas Holdem, although some sites such as Absolute Poker have variations and play Omaha and 7 card stud as well. Texas Hold ‘Em is by far the most popular though with many thousands of people playing throughout the world every day on the major online Most of the major sites have a special “new player” freeroll running as well as their regular tournaments. This is to give new players an incentive to sign up at that site, they can play for free in exclusive freerolls which they have a chance of competing and doing well in, as many of the opponents will be inexperienced or even first time players. Remember however that most poker sites don't actually give the cash away without getting a bit of a run for their money. If you do win a prize, you will need to have played in a certain amount of "raked hands" before you will be allowed to withdraw your prize money. This means that you need to play on the site and risk real money in actual poker games in order to qualify. Every time you play for real money the site takes a small cut called their "rake". The poker sites are not concerned whether you win or lose - it makes absolutely no difference to them. Once you have paid your rake you play against the other players, not the site. You can think of the rake as being like an entry fee. What are the
best poker freerolls?
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