WSOP 2005 - How to enter for $4!
WSOP 2005 (The World Series of Poker) is the greatest opportunity for the ordinary guy in the history of the world. A strong statement? Total BS? No! Amazingly, you can buy into a qualifier to the WSOP for a mere $4 and go all the way to the final table itself. If you think about this, you will realise that nowhere else in the world has such a level playing field that allows all-comers the opportunity of fame and fortune like this. Absolutely anyone can enter and go all the way to winning the incredible first prize of $10 million. Now where else is there an opportunity like that? Can you buy yourself a chance of a place in the Superbowl with $4? Of course not! And the most fantastic thing of all is this - your place at the final table of WSOP 2005 is determined totally by your own ability. If you can play poker better than anyone else you can get there. You are never at any point being judged by a committee or individual in order for you to progress. Nobody needs to like you. OK there's always a chance of a run of bad luck beating you but in poker as in any other aspect of life, the cream rises to the top and if you are good enough you can go all the way. You need to win a lot of hands of poker of course but the point is that the route to being Poker World Champion is open to everyone, old, young, rich, poor, black, white or whatever, YOU could win WSOP 2005 if you're good enough. You can of course short-circuit a few of the stages and buy straight into the final stages for $10,000 or so if you have the money available! So tell me, where else can a normal guy become World Champion, get on TV, become famous and be a multi-millionaire just by their own efforts? Full Tilt Poker offers a $4 route to the
WSOP 2005 Main Event.
You win the $4 event and progress to a Multi Table Tournament (which you can buy straight into for $24 by the way). Win this and you are into a 30 Seat WSOP Tourney, where the top 30 players get to play at the big event. Sounds easy doesn't it! ======================================================Article by Ian McIntosh of Check out the site for all the latest information on Texas Holdem tournaments and freerolls.Please feel free to use this poker article on your website, newsletter or blog as long as this resource box is left intact and there's a live link to the site.====================================================== © 2005 - WSOP 2005
