Texas Holdem Poker at Poker Room

Poker Room is one of the best online poker sites on the internet. The legendary Freerolls are now open open to 2400 players (recently raised from 2200). You need to be REALLY quick to enter, especially the later one. The 2400 spaces are filled in five minutes and if you're not registered by then you're out.Due to the amazing popularity of the PokerRoom freerolls they have added a third one. They have also recently changed the freeroll start times, check the freeroll timetable for details.
Click here to sign up for the Poker Room Freeroll (it's FREE!)
If you miss the Freeroll or get knocked out early, there are always more tournaments starting that you can join. The $5 + $1 signup tournaments start about every half hour and usually have 300-350 players in them so there's a good prize pot of $250-$300 to the winner with smaller prizes for the rest of the top twenty or so, depending on the number of entrants. You can also join a single table tournament for $5 + $1 where you play against another nine players until there's a winner. Watch out for this one though, make sure that the tables are filling up reasonably quickly otherwise you can be sitting at the table for a while waiting for it to fill up. The tournament cannot begin until there's a full 10 at the table.With the high number of visitors to Poker Room though, the tables normally fill up fairly quickly.
Play tournaments at PokerRoom
BONUSESAt the moment there is a 20% sign-up bonus at Poker Room for new players. So if you add $100 for example, your balance becomes $120. You also get a Shark Cage Tournament ticket for signing up. SIT INYou can sit down at a table on the PokerRoom site anytime and have a game. There are always people at the tables, remember it's a global site so one person's early morning is another's late night!Poker Room has one of the cheapest buy-ins on the internet, you can play from 25 cents, the minimum is $0.25/$0.50 rising to $10/$20 per hand. When you join a table you always post the big blind on the first hand you play, no matter where you are sitting. These tables are limit Texas Holdem, so you can only bet the limit set by the table. This means that there are no big raises or all-ins, so that part of the game is missing but it's a good way to get a bit of practice cheaply.
Go to Poker Room and sit in now!
OTHER POKER GAMESThere are other games you can play at Poker Room, such as 7 Card Stud, Omaha, Chinese poker, Pai Gow and casino games like Blackjack, Baccarat and Video Poker, although the majority of players are just there to play Texas Hold 'Em. NEW!Poker Room has a first on the internet - Team Tournaments! Now you can join a team or set up your own with your friends and play in league competitions.
Read more about Poker Room's Team Tournaments!
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